Tuesday, October 14, 2014

My husband, the prodigy

Last week, my husband decided he wanted to learn how to knit.  I love teaching, and I love having someone to share my hobbies with, and I'm too anti-social to leave the house and share knitting chatter with other people, so I thought this was a brilliant idea.

Despite my usual fluency in explaining things, I felt like I was tongue-tied and useless while trying to teach him.  And yet he did catch on quickly.

Very quickly.

He was probably 30 or 40 rows into his 20-stitch-wide first piece of knitting before he had to rip out a row to fix a stitch.  And please note that HE noticed the error.  And by then he'd done garter, stockinette, his own design of a purl diamond on a ground of stockinette, and several rows of 2x2 rib.

His stitches are as even and consistent as my own.  (A bit too tight, but that's to be expected in your first few rows of knitting EVER.)

I finally had to take him to the store to buy him some supplies, just so I could get my needles back.  :)

He's offered to make a scarf for his sister, as his first real project.

I'm going to have to set that man up with his own ravelry page soon.

This is his latest practice piece:
Perhaps it could be better... but I'm not sure how.
He started the real scarf a week ago.  I took this picture last night:

Yes, he's got nearly two feet of scarf done already.  Holy smokes!

It's all done but the weaving in of ends.  Six feet long, with a perfect bind-off.

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