Tuesday, October 14, 2014

And a scarf/cowl for my mother

I offered to make my mother something.  I picked out a beautiful blue/green chunky yarn and sent her some interesting patterns to choose from.

She selected a solid seed stitch and wants it in gray.  Oh well, it makes good TV knitting.  I'll have it finished in time for her birthday in two months.

131 stitches cast on.
Row 1 halfway completed, then frogged when I foolishly panicked, thinking seed in the round would need an even-number cast on.
Row 1 completed again.

8 rows completed.  It takes so long to do each row, I only do 1 or 2 at a time.  But it's taking shape!
22 rows completed. A friend came over yesterday and we watched 8 straight hours of Outlander (and chatted a lot) so we both made good progress on our projects.
The end was more of an adventure than it should have been.  First, I forgot that in knitting, unlike crochet, you had to bind off.  I remembered when I got to the last six inches of yarn (perfect for crochet).  So I tinked back one and a half (long) rounds, then started binding off.  But no, I needed a stretchier bind off.  Tinked all of the current round back, plus another half round.  Then started a stretchy bind off... and ran out of yarn six stitches from the end.  Pulled the extra yarn off my project-bag handle and bound off the rest.  It's a little bulky there, and I'll have more ends to weave, but I just couldn't face pulling it out yet again.
Meanwhile, here it is, double-wrapped around my neck:

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