Sunday, September 6, 2015

My perfect socks? - WIP

Started: 9/5/2105
Finished: (not yet)

This new pair is toe-up. I did Judy's magic cast on, I'm increasing the toe using twisted yarn-over increases, and I plan to do a Fish Lips Kiss heel. Also, since I'm moderately insane, I plan to only complete the toe, then start the second sock inside out and do the toe, then knit both feet using sock-inside-a-sock. Then separate again to do the heels, and together again for the legs. I'm hoping to find my perfect sock formula. 

I'm liking the twisted YO increases a lot.  They'll be my go-to increase from now on.
Sock 1: CO 16, increase every round to 28, increase every other round to 60.
Toe done:

I started the second toe (private side out) but haven't completed it yet.  It was a holiday weekend, and we went out to play.  I'm not going to beat myself up over that.  But I've increased it to 52 sts, so I'm almost there.  And it started with a completely different part of the color repeat, which is awesome.  There's nothing worse that *almost* matching stripes.  That makes it look like you failed, instead of looking intentionally quirky and mismatched.  I have lunch plans today, but I should be able to finish the toe tonight.  then to join the two socks and whip through the feet two at a time!

Holy moley, I had to rip and re-knit this toe about 20 times.  Only minor mistakes, but easier to start over than try to fix.  And the yarn held up beautifully through all the abuse.
And both on the same needles now, ready to commence feet.

9/30/2015: This is going very slowly.  Not only small needles and small yarn, but I'm focusing more on my mom's pillow right now.  But I'm probably an inch into the foot proper now.  No pictures at this time.

Finally, a picture.

Oh boy is this slow.  I mean, I understand that it's small stitches on small needles with small yarn, and it's both at once, but holy hells I didn't think it would go so slowly!  I don't have a picture right now, but I'd say I've probably done another inch since that last picture.  An inch!  In a week!  At this rate, it's going to take me... wait... never mind, skip the math.  But it's Way Too Long.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Brooklyn Boot Liners for ?

Started: 9/3/2015
Finished:  (not yet)

My size 3 DPNs go through the needle gauge at a loose 4, and won’t go through as a 3, so I’m not too sure what size they really are. I did a gauge swatch and it was a bit bigger than it should have been, even though I’m usually a tight knitter. So even though the recipient would normally get a medium, I’m going to make her a small. I think that’ll fit her better.  I've cast on and done the first round. 

I intend (subject to change, depending on how I feel about it later) to do all the top decorative part of each sock individually.  It's easy enough to keep the two identical through that part, since it is different every round.  But once it gets into the stockinette leg, I think I'll W&T one of them and then mount it purl-side out on the same needles as the other one, then do sock-in-a-sock knitting through the leg.  That will keep the decreasing and length identical on both socks.  It finishes in 2x2 rib, so it won't need to be turned right-side-out again to complete it.

I knitted the second round today on my lunch break and wasn't happy with the looseness of the gauge on these needles.  But I soldiered through the third round, which had some patterning... and then had to call it.  No, these needles aren't going to work.  So I've frogged it all and ordered new DPNs.  This is really a shame since the 3-day weekend starts in 2 hours.  But I do have other projects to work on so it's not a complete loss.  I'll restart this (possibly in a medium, depending how my new gauge swatch comes out) when the new needles arrive.

I'm no longer working with Yvonne.  This project will hibernate until I choose a recipient.