Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sheri's Socks - Done!

Started:  5/10/2015
Finished:  6/28/2015

I'm finally starting the socks for my dad's wife.  I appreciate the value of DPN's, but it still feels like wrestling a porcupine.  Though as I recall, it gets better as the works grows and stabilizes.
The dye repeat length seems a little random, but perhaps I'll recognize a pattern when I've seen more of it.  The ball shows a lot more green than I've gotten into the work so far.  Right now, I've only got the ribbed cuff done.
I've finished the upper and started the heel flap.  I'm understanding the color repeat better now.  It alternates short repeats of the new color a few times before switching to it entirely.  It's pretty cool looking, I think.

It's been a productive day so far!  I've already turned the heel and picked up the side stitches.

Still chugging along.  Of course, it's only sock #1.  I'll probably be fine until I'm on #2.  I learned on my first/prior pair that it stays exciting until you're on the second sock, with the sure knowledge that you just did all this.
I did learn another lesson though.  This time I kept notes on the variables.  I know how many stitches I cast on, how many rows were in the heel flap, and my final stitch count after decreasing in the gussets.  Crap, I just realized that I didn't note how I decreased.  I started every-other-round, then went to every-round, and back to every-other.  Oh well.  They're hand made.  She'll love them no matter what, right?  Right...?
Starting the toe decreases!
5/15/15: Toe chimney done.  Sock #1 almost complete!
6/8/15:  Boy did this go sideways.  I had the second sock halfway done.  I'd completed the gussets and was getting ready to do the straight part of the foot leading up to the toe, when I noticed that my decrease line had a jog in it.  I tried to pull out only those stitches, and repair them, but it confused me.  So I tried pulling it out to that point, but it was too hard to get the stitches back onto the needles.  So I frogged the entire sock.  I was too frustrated to even think about restarting it for a week and a half.  But I've started again now.  I'll definitely be more careful this time.  That sucked.
6/17/2015: And if that weren't bad enough... I restarted from the beginning, got to the end of the heel flap, and realized I'd done all the edge stitches wrong.  I was supposed to be slipping the first stitch, and I'd knitted it.  And of course I didn't notice until I was done with the whole flap.  But at least for that I was able to pull out only the flap.  Not that saving 2 inches of leg tube is saving a ton of work, but it's just beyond demoralizing to go back to empty needles after all that effort.  So, I've got the heel flap completed *correctly*, the heel turned, the gussets done, and I'm in the home stretch.  I've got about 14 rounds to do before I can start the toe decreases.  These socks might, maybe, hopefully, be done soon.
6/23/2015: I'm on the toe decreases.  FINALLY.  And of course I did two decrease rounds in a row, even though I'm supposed to have a plain knit round between them.  But that's just going to add to the character, right?  Either way, I'm not tinking it.  It's only one round.  It'll be fine.  Just fine.  Grrr.
6/27/2015: Toe chimney completed on second sock!  Next up: grafting both toes, closing gaps in 4 ankles, weaving in 4 ends.  I can do this.
6/29/2015: DONE!

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