Friday, January 9, 2015

My *actual* first sweater, I hope. A bolero.

The other sweater I started is... not calling to me.  I think it's the color.  So I'm starting something else.  This is a simple bolero in a lovely, rich burgundy.
Today I made a stockinette swatch and threw it through the washer and dryer to block it.  (It's acrylic yarn, and I've been assured that this really is the right blocking method.  I'm nervous though.)
Assuming my blocked swatch looks and feels good (it's still in the dryer) I'll get cracking on the real thing tomorrow.  Eek!
Update: It's completed a full wash and dry on normal settings, no babying of any kind.  It's completely unchanged.  No shrinking, bleeding, pulling, warping, anything.  Whew.
My gauge is 4.5 sts/in and 5.5 row/in.  I think I'm ready!